Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Build a better bridge

Communication in a construction project...doh!
A recent commercial construction client project gave us the idea to share some very valuable information that could potentially save you thousands of dollars by avoiding having your construction project (and dollars) tied up in the often confusing process of dealing with the different officials and/or zoning issues (and so on) that can arise during a residential or commercial renovation, upgrade, repair, etc… So often we are brought in when the problem is already occurring and most of the time it’s really just a matter of language - yes, language! Understanding where each ‘side’ is coming from, e.g. what everyone is trying to say or simply what they are looking for...which happens to be what we specialize in and that simply comes from a breadth and depth of experience working on all different sides of the planning, investments and construction industry for decades. I guess you could say we’re a bit like a bridge and can usually look at each situation through an objective lens then help all the parties involved find a comfortable resolution to whatever the problem is. A few great suggestions to help avoid getting into these situations in the first place:

1. Make sure the engineers, architects, general contractors, landscape designers and any others that are on your team all understand each other, the process andhave someone ‘leading’ the project that clearly understands the entire scope of the project, thus being able to avoid unexpected issues as much as possible.

2. I would add to #1 that the town & state officials involved are also part of the teamand clear communication between all parties is essential. More often than not the issues could have been avoided if clearer communication had happened from the beginning!?!

3. Not reacting with emotion but responding with a clarity and an understanding of the real problem is key and if #’s 1 & 2 were followed...then if or when an issue happens most involved will be able to work together to find a quick solution.

Craig DiPetrillo - DiPetrillo Properties - Planning, Investing, Construction

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